
How to Market Your Escape Room Business

How to Market Your Escape Room Business

I have looked at literally hundreds of Escape Room Facebook pages and I have noticed a few common traits among them. Most ER owners have no idea of the power behind their FB page. Their page is a stale bulletin board of player photos and nothing more. Many Escape Room pages don't engage with their audience eliminatitng the purpose of liking your page. Without engagement there is little to no reason for someone to like your ER Facebook page. The vast majority ER page owners don't post real content for their audience to like, comment and share, further reducing the reasons for people to like and follow your page. You have got to give your audience a reason to keep liking and following your page. 

So what steps can you take to increase the organic reach and engagement of your facebook page. Here are 10 suggestions to get you going. You don't have to do all of these things but if you do you should see your page likes increase, your organic reach increase and your bottom line grow.